After visiting the Temple of Athena, the Parthenon, I now realize how important the gods are in this expedition. After gaining the favour of Athena, I now continue my preparation by asking the famous Oracle at Delphi what my fate on this journey is! I will update you on what she says, but first, let me provide some insight into Pythia and the city of Delphi.

The Pythia, or the Oracle at Delphi, is the most famous oracle in our modern day Greece. The Pythia is a priestess in the Temple of Apollo, who was said to be apparently infallible. The name Pythia comes from Python, the dragon that was slain by Apollo. When Python was killed, his spirit possessed the Pythia and from that moment on, she began to prophesize.

Her prophesy for me was:
Man of travel, man of lands,
Go to Athens and shake the hands,
Of the city that will become your enemy,

Man of reason, man so wise,

Go to Sparta and see the eyes,
 of the city that will be forceful in nature, yet forcefully kind
So as most people who had just listened to prophesies, I heeded the advice. I am now headed to Sparta because Athens will apparently become my enemy. I will update you on the latest from Sparta upon my arrival!

I rate Delphi 8/10 Odysseus Oars because of the amazing sights to see and religious atmosphere!

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    About Odysseus

    Odysseus was born to the famous Argonaut, Laertes and Anticlea, the granddaughter of Hermes. He travels the world in search of a paradise for his wife, Penelope, and his son, Telmachus. Odysseus is the King of Ithaca and is the wisest of the Greek Kings.

    AKA: Ameerus Augustus Corralius


    May 2013



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