We have sailed past the island of the Laestrygonians where all of my men were killed except for the men on my ship. Quite saddening indeed. We then set foot on Circe's island where we stayed for a year due to the hospitality and housing! After that, we sailed past the sirens without any losses. But then, we reached Scylla and Charybdis. They destroyed my ship and killed all my men. I wound up on Calypsos' Island

I rate Circe's island 10/10 Odysseus Oars because of the amazing food, housing, and friendly people.

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    About Odysseus

    Odysseus was born to the famous Argonaut, Laertes and Anticlea, the granddaughter of Hermes. He travels the world in search of a paradise for his wife, Penelope, and his son, Telmachus. Odysseus is the King of Ithaca and is the wisest of the Greek Kings.

    AKA: Ameerus Augustus Corralius


    May 2013



    Troy Tourism!

    Troy, with walls made of gold and home to the most Beautiful Woman in the World, Troy is not all about wealth, even if that is what is great about us. The wine is cold but the people are warm! Come visit us today!

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    Ad by: Ameerus Augustus Corralius